Monday, March 22, 2010


I feel so depressed and sad I want my baby back why can everyone else keep theirs why did I have to loose mine it is just not fair why does people who believe not get what they ask for and people that does give a fuck just get without asking!!! WHY the fuck is life so unfair. I don't know where the hell I am going to get the funds but I will be damned before I give up I am not there yet just sick and tired and fed up. Financially things suck at the moment how are we going to afford to make my dream come true !!!!!! I am scared because it is all that is keeping me going. I sooooooooooooooooo hope that the FET will work that we are going to try in the next few months that will sort out a big part of the problem I can hope and dream but statistically we don't have a great chance less than 10% but I have a FET miracle that just turned two so they do happen I just don't know who decides when and where. I struggle with pregnant people at the moment and I seemed to be surrounded by them my sister my SIL I can't stand them I know that is so selfish but both of them got pregnant two weeks after stopping BCP how unfair not one of them is particularly pleased to be pregnant and I crave for what they have with every fibre in my being

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