Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A very complicated pregnancy

I started bleeding again at 20 th of January and I was put on bed rest. The 22nd I went for a 3D scan to put my mind at rest and to maybe see the gender of my baby but instead I got bad news I barely had any amniotic fluid so she stopped the scan I immediately went to my Dr but he was not overly concerned just mad that I went for the scan and things went on like that three weeks later I was still bleeding went for a second opinion on Monday bigggggggggggggg mistake the doctor after scanning for 1 minute told me he has bad news that my baby has died just to re track it another minute later :confused Evil or Very Mad fight and then proceeds to tell me my baby has no amniotic fluid and it growth was totally wrong and that he is very sorry and that was it I should go for a second opinion at the fetal accesment centre they could only see me at 18 weeks. I was going out of my mind until my scheduled appointment with my own DR today and he immediately picked up my baby's strong heartbeat and the growth is perfect for this stage of development text book actually but he agrees that there is very little amniotic fluid but there is some that he could see and my placenta is normal and he can't see any bleeding in my uterus anymore so now it is just a waiting game for as long as my baby's heart is beating we can only wait and see, but he thinks we should be okay I just need a lot of prayers and faith. My mom is sending me a fetal heart doppler with my sister from the UK next week so I will be able to listen to my baby as much as I want until we are trough this rough patch.

He can't find the reason for the problem but with the twins I lost they were expelled (SORRY TMI) the last couple of days that seems to be the main problem but I also have a 10cm cyst on my left ovary that is only growing at this stage so this poor baby is literally fighting for it's life but he said that with the other being gone now things could look a lot different in a months time.

I have been going mad slowly it is driving me insane I just hope my LO will stay safe as I don't know if I will be able to handle to loose it at such a late stage. I don't even have a history of complications in pregnancy so this is totally weird.


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